I Can Do Hard Things

Lately it has been hard to get out of bed. I wake up to my 6AM alarm and I groan. Some days I am able to whisper affirmations to myself and gently rise, but for the past few days it has been tough. I think the pandemic is getting to me. The monotony of my days, the isolation, and generally feeling like a fish out of water at work. It’s hard.

So today as soon as the clock turned 6 o’clock, I logged out of work and shut down my computer. I changed into my workout gear and I went on a run. The weather was glorious. The sun was shining and the wind was dancing in the air. I put on a guided run and the trainer said, you can do hard things.

It was really simple, but it struck me. I can do hard things. Even when it is hard to get out of bed, I get out. Even when I don’t want to workout so early in the morning, I show up. Even when I feel lost at work, I ask questions and try to absorb all that I can. 

I think sometimes we need to give ourselves more credit. Maybe you should celebrate that even though things may absolutely suck right now, you are doing the best you can. 

You can do hard things.


The Saturday Report: Vol 1


Cultivate Your Imagination