I’m still here.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I would post here. What would my first post of the year be? Would it be monumentous? Can I effectively capture all the joy and all the trauma the last 10 months? Do I want to do that? I don’t know what I want my first post of the year to be, so I will choose honesty.

I honestly believe that this year is going to be a very good year to me. I know this to be so true, and it excites me. I can believe this and still feel like the world is on fire. I’ve decided that life is weird and wonderful, and that life must be lived in the weird and the wonderful. I felt like I spent so much of my time last year waiting to live my life because I couldn’t live my life under the new terms and agreements we had all been given, but the truth is that I am alive. If you are reading this, you are alive too. That means that we should be living (whilst adhering to CDC guidelines on he-who-shall-not-be-named).

I am alive.

I am alive.

I am alive.

And I want to live well. So, I will be writing. I will be praying. I will be going on runs. I will be trying new recipes. I will do absolutely everything that I want to do. That is honestly, what I plan to do.


Knowing The Cold


You Remind Me of Our Father