The Productivity Trap
As a society, we have a preoccupation with productivity. YouTube is filled with ‘my 6AM morning routine’ videos. There are so many books on time management and how to do more with our time. If you’re anything like me, you’re a multi-hyphenate spending your day on the clock and night on your side hustles or projects. I am always trying to do more with my time, and feel like I’m falling short.
It sometimes feel like we’re on a treadmill and someone is adjusting my incline perpetually. We are constantly trying to keep up. We are constantly trying to create the perfect bio. Like, why am I not able to work my 12-hour job, workout, run my NGO, be a blogger, pray, be a good friend, be a good sister, be a good daughter, and find time for rest?
You see, when we have a society that assigns value based on our ability to be productive there is little room for much else. So we get into these endless cycles of striving to do more and trying to ‘make the most’ of each day, but to what end?
Want to hear a secret? We weren’t made to work.
We were made to be. Who are you without work?